

☆其の一 天体検出

$ cd ~/sextractor-2.5.0/config/
$ ls
$ cp default* ~/irafwork/practice/
$ cd ~/irafwork/practice/

$ emacs default.sex &

$ sex disMCSA38539.fits -c 1110.sex
----- SExtractor 2.5.0 started on 2010-03-01 at 16:37:37 with 1 thread
Measuring from: "CL0024" / 2048 x 2048 / 32 bits FLOATING POINT data
(M+D) Background: -9.2743  RMS: 87.2708  / Threshold: 174.542   
Objects: detected 5744    / sextracted 4523             
> All done (in 3 s)

$ more test.cat  //結果ファイルの確認//
#  1 NUMBER      Running object number                   
#  2 FLUXERR_ISO   RMS error for isophotal flux           [count]
#  3 FLUX_AUTO    Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture   [count]
#  4 FLUXERR_AUTO  RMS error for AUTO flux               [count]
#  5 X_IMAGE    Object position along x               [pixel]
#  6 Y_IMAGE    Object position along y               [pixel]
#  7 FLAG      SExtraction flags                      
     1   3694.351   -1275657   9815.155  1809.857 118.680  3
     2   2875.968   323287.6   6223.211  1805.493  48.211 19
     3   2895.761   -1096936   6894.395  1897.971  54.518 19
     4   3670.565   -464499.5  8764.963  1818.271  81.989  3
     5   2893.13    -2101446   6904.33  1914.395  93.433  3

一列目から順に番号、Isophotal fluxのエラー,Auto flux,Auto fluxのエラー,x座標,y座標,flag(小さい方がいい?)が列挙されてる。今default.paramをそのまま使ったせいでこうなっている。

cl> !ds9 &
cl> reset stdimage=imt4096
cl>display check.fits 1 zs- zr- z1=0.8 z2=1.2
cl>display disMCSA38539.fits 2

$ mv test.cat test38539.cat

$ sex disMCSA38537.fits -c 1110.sex
$ mv test.cat test38537.cat

☆其の二 天体の位置合わせ

今天体リスト,test38539.catとtest38537.catがあるが、これをこのまま使って同一天体を探すことはできない。例えば、check.fitsを見るとへりの部分の明らかなゴミを天体として検出しているのが分かるし、また暗い天体として検出されてる天体は本当に天体なのか単なるsky noiseなのか疑わしい。なのでへりを除いた範囲で明るい天体だけのリストを作って、それをxyxymatchにかけた方が安全なのである。xyxymatchはコケやすいタスクなのでここは工夫のし所であるが、自分は以下のように行った。

$ awk '$5>150 && $5<1750 && $6>150 && $6<1750{print $1,$5,$6,$3}' test38539.cat | sort -n -k 4 -r | head -40 | tail -30 > test_luminous38539.cat
一応説明すると、test38539.catの天体リストの中から150<$5(x座標)<1750かつ150<$6(y座標)<1750である天体の番号,x,y,Auto fluxだけリスト化、更にAuto fluxの明るい順に並べかえ、明るいtop10からtop40までの30個をtest_luminous38539.catという名でリスト化したということ。
$ more test_luminous38539.cat
3502 1099.852 1514.901 478996.5
2382 1619.069 1043.269 473133.7
3488 511.297 1524.058 460485.2
3217 1656.436 1603.225 459972.8

$ awk '$5>150 && $5<1750 && $6>150 && $6<1750{print $1,$5,$6,$3}' test38537.cat | sort -n -k 4 -r | head -40 | tail -30 > test_luminous38537.cat

cl> epar xyxymatch
                   I R A F
          Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = xyxymatch
input  = test_luminous38539.cat The input lists
  referenc= test_luminous38537.cat The reference lists
output =      shift1110.cat The output matched coordinate lists //インプットリストとリファレンスリストの中から同一とおぼしき天体を探して出力する先のファイル//
toleranc=            3. The matching tolerance in pixels
(refpoin=            ) Optional list of reference points
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input list
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input list
(xmag  =         INDEF) X magnification required to match input to refer
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y magnification required to match input to refer
(xrotati=         INDEF) X rotation required to match input to reference
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y rotation required to match input to reference
(xref  =         INDEF) X origin of reference list
(yref  =         INDEF) Y origin of reference list
(xcolumn=            2) Input list column containing the x coordinate //インプットの//
(ycolumn=            3) Input list column containing the y coordinate //$2,$3と//
(xrcolum=            2) Reference list column containing the x coordinat//リファレンスの$2,$3をx,y座標とみて//
(yrcolum=            3) Reference list column containing the y coordinat//対応させる//
(separat=           9.) The minimum object separation
(matchin=       triangles) The matching algorithm
(nmatch =           30) The maximum number of points for triangles algor
(ratio =           10.) The maximum ratio of longest to shortest side of
(nreject=           50) The maximum number of rejection iterations    //ここもdefaultから変えた//
(xformat=         %13.3f) The format of the output x coordinate
(yformat=         %13.3f) The format of the output y coordinate
(interac=            no) Interactive mode ?
(verbose=           yes) Verbose mode ?
(icomman=            ) The image display cursor
(mode  =           ql)
$ more shift1110.cat
# Input: test_luminous38539.cat Reference: test_luminous38537.cat Number of ti e points: 0
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(略)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ # Column definitions
# Column 1: X reference coordinate
# Column 2: Y reference coordinate
# Column 3: X input coordinate
# Column 4: Y input coordinate
# Column 5: Reference line number
# Column 6: Input line number
   736.932   1515.176    1099.852   1514.901   4   1
  1255.871   1043.472    1619.069   1043.269   6   2
   1293.688  1603.740    1656.436   1603.225   8   4
   992.239   337.174     1355.301   336.912   9   6
   338.671   1579.012    701.232    1579.150  10   7
   1244.448  386.024     1607.315   385.757   13   8
   1307.324  1475.462    1669.822   1475.432   15  10
   876.113   813.799    1239.063   813.594    16  11
   365.222   715.919     728.109   715.587   18   17
   1187.599   725.974    1550.757   725.676   20   19
   570.399   658.062    933.88     657.743   21   21
   1380.873  1100.369    1743.541   1099.966   22   22
   1173.227  956.046    1536.269    955.635   27   25


cl> epar geomap
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geomap
input  =    shift1110.cat The input coordinate files
database=   database1110.cat The output database file //対応表shift1110.catから作る変換規則のDatabaseを指定//
xmin  =           1. Minimum x reference coordinate value
xmax  =          2048. Maximum x reference coordinate value
ymin  =           1. Minimum y reference coordinate value
ymax  =          2048. Maximum y reference coordinate value
(transfo=            ) The output transform records names
(results=            ) The optional results summary files
(fitgeom=        general) Fitting geometry
(functio=      polynomial) Surface type
(xxorder=           2) Order of x fit in x //一次変換したい場合は2にしとく??//
(xyorder=           2) Order of x fit in y //同じく一次変換なので2??//
(xxterms=          half) X fit cross terms type
(yxorder=            2) Order of y fit in x
(yyorder=            2) Order of y fit in y
(yxterms=          half) Y fit cross terms type
(maxiter=           50) Maximum number of rejection iterations
(reject =           3.) Rejection limit in sigma units
(calctyp=          real) Computation type
(verbose=           yes) Print messages about progress of task ?
(interac=           no) Fit transformation interactively ?
(graphic=        stdgraph) Default graphics device
(cursor =            ) Graphics cursor
(mode  =          ql)
Coordinate list: shift1110.cat Transform: shift1110.cat
  Results file:
Coordinate mapping status
X fit ok. Y fit ok.
Xin and Yin fit rms: 0.2192054 0.1499203
Coordinate mapping parameters
Mean Xref and Yref: 978.662 993.0944
Mean Xin and Yin: 1341.589 992.8342
X and Y shift: 363.3746 -0.1867662 (xin yin)
X and Y scale: 0.999912 1.000093 (xin / xref yin / yref)
X and Y axis rotation: 0.010 359.979 (degrees degrees)


cl>epar geotran
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geotran
input  =  disMCSA38539.fits Input data
output =    shift38539.fits Output data
database=   database1110.cat Name of GEOMAP database file
transfor=     shift1110.cat Names of coordinate transforms in database file //ここにはdatabase1110.catの中に書かれている変換式名shift1110.catを入れる//
(geometr=       geometric) Transformation type (linear,geometric)
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input frame in pixels
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input frame in pixels
(xshift =         INDEF) X origin shift in pixels

cl> display shift38539.fits 1 →こんなの
cl> display disMCSA38537.fits 2 →こんなの

