





$ csh
$ chmod u+x 1117sext.csh
$ ./1117sext.csh
これで出来たselect38???.catには順に「番号,x座標,y座標,Auto flux(明るさ)」が記載されてる。

$ ls select38??[1,3,5,7,9].cat > select1117odd
$ ls select38??[0,2,4,6,8].cat > select1117even

$ awk '{print "match"substr($1,7,20)}' select1117odd > match1117odd
$ awk '{print "match"substr($1,7,20)}' select1117even > match1117even
$ awk '{print substr($1,0,8)"537.cat"}' select1117odd > ref1117odd
$ awk '{print substr($1,0,8)"542.cat"}' select1117even > ref1117even

cl> epar xyxy
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = xyxymatch
input  =    @select1117odd The input lists
referenc=    @ref1117odd The reference lists
output =    @match1117odd The output matched coordinate lists
toleranc=           3. The matching tolerance in pixels
(refpoin=            ) Optional list of reference points
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input list
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input list
(xmag  =         INDEF) X magnification required to match input to refer
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y magnification required to match input to refer
(xrotati=         INDEF) X rotation required to match input to reference
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y rotation required to match input to reference
(xref  =         INDEF) X origin of reference list
(yref  =         INDEF) Y origin of reference list
(xcolumn=            2) Input list column containing the x coordinate
(ycolumn=            3) Input list column containing the y coordinate
(xrcolum=            2) Reference list column containing the x coordinat
(yrcolum=            3) Reference list column containing the y coordinat

cl> epar xyxy
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = xyxymatch
input  =    @select1117even The input lists
referenc=    @ref1117even The reference lists
output =    @match1117even The output matched coordinate lists
toleranc=           3. The matching tolerance in pixels



$ chmod u+x xygeoaida.csh
$ ./xygeoaida.csh
$ ls formatch38*
formatch38397.cat formatch38438.cat formatch38515.cat formatch38556.cat
formatch38398.cat formatch38439.cat formatch38516.cat formatch38557.cat

$ ls formatch38??[1,3,5,7,9].cat > formatch1117odd
$ ls formatch38??[0,2,4,6,8].cat > formatch1117even

cl> epar geomap
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geomap
input  =   @formatch1117odd The input coordinate files
database=   database1117odd.cat The output database file //対応表formatch1117odd.catから作る変換規則のDatabaseを指定//
xmin  =           1. Minimum x reference coordinate value
xmax  =          2848. Maximum x reference coordinate value //今リファレンスのフォーマットは2848*2848になってる//
ymin  =           1. Minimum y reference coordinate value
ymax  =          2048. Maximum y reference coordinate value
(transfo=            ) The output transform records names
(results=            ) The optional results summary files
(fitgeom=        general) Fitting geometry
(functio=      polynomial) Surface type
(xxorder=           2) Order of x fit in x //一次変換したい場合は2にしとく??//
(xyorder=           2) Order of x fit in y //同じく一次変換なので2??//
(xxterms=          half) X fit cross terms type
(yxorder=            2) Order of y fit in x
(yyorder=            2) Order of y fit in y
(yxterms=          half) Y fit cross terms type
(maxiter=           50) Maximum number of rejection iterations
(reject =           3.) Rejection limit in sigma units
(calctyp=          real) Computation type
(verbose=           yes) Print messages about progress of task ?
(interac=           no) Fit transformation interactively ?
(graphic=        stdgraph) Default graphics device
(cursor =            ) Graphics cursor
(mode  =          ql)

cl> epar geomap
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geomap
input  =   @formatch1117even The input coordinate files
database=   database1117even.cat The output database file //対応表formatch1117odd.catから作る変換規則のDatabaseを指定//
xmin  =           1. Minimum x reference coordinate value
xmax  =          2848. Maximum x reference coordinate value //今リファレンスのフォーマットは2848*2848になってる//
ymin  =           1. Minimum y reference coordinate value
ymax  =          2048. Maximum y reference coordinate value

$ awk '{print "disshift"substr($1,8,20)}' dis1027odd > disshift1117odd
$ awk '{print "disshift"substr($1,8,20)}' dis1027even > disshift1117even

cl> epar geotran
                 I R A F
         Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geotran
input  =  @dis1027odd Input data
output =@disshift1117odd Output data
database= database1117odd.cat Name of GEOMAP database file           //多数の変換の入ったファイル//
transfor=  @formatch1117odd Names of coordinate transforms in database file //databaseの中にある各変換//
(geometr=       geometric) Transformation type (linear,geometric)
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input frame in pixels
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input frame in pixels
(xshift =         INDEF) X origin shift in pixels
(yshift =         INDEF) Y origin shift in pixels
(xout  =         INDEF) X origin of output frame in reference units
(yout  =         INDEF) Y origin of output frame in reference units
(xmag  =         INDEF) X scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(xrotati=         INDEF) X axis rotation in degrees
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y axis rotation in degrees
(xmin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference x value of output picture
(xmax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference x value of output picture
(ymin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference y value of output picture
(ymax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference y value of output picture
(xscale =           1.) X scale of output picture in reference units per
(yscale =           1.) Y scale of output picture in reference units per
(ncols =          2848) Number of columns in the output picture     //今2848*2848にする//
(nlines =          2848) Number of lines in the output picture      
(xsample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in x
(ysample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in y
(interpo=         linear) Interpolant
(boundar=        constant) Boundary extension (nearest,constant,reflect,wra //余白となる所に何を入れるか//
(constan=        -1000000.) Constant boundary extension              //今はへりをはっきりさせるためにcountを-1000000にしてしまう//
(fluxcon=           yes) Preserve image flux?
(nxblock=           512) X dimension of working block size in pixels
(nyblock=           512) Y dimension of working block size in pixels
(verbose=           yes) Print messages about the progress of the task
(mode  =           ql)

cl> display disshift38409.fits 1 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200
cl> display disshift38411.fits 2 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200
cl> display disshift38413.fits 3 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200
cl> display disshift38415.fits 4 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200


cl> epar geotran
                 I R A F
         Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geotran
input  =  @dis1027even Input data
output =@disshift1117even Output data
database= database1117even.cat Name of GEOMAP database file           //多数の変換の入ったファイル//
transfor=  @formatch1117even Names of coordinate transforms in database file //databaseの中にある各変換//


