ダブってる天体の検出(チップ1とチップ2でxyxymatch) → geomap → geotranでチップ2をチップ1に合わせるように画像変換 → 2枚をimarith
  →newchip2=chip2 * 10^{(zero1-zero2)/2.5}
 ・exposure mapによる重み付け
  →それぞれのexposure map(exp1,exp2)で重み付けして足す
   (exp1*chip1 + exp2*newchip2)/(exp1 + exp2)

☆其の一 chip1とchip2のだぶってる部分の位置合わせ

cl> !ds9 &
cl> reset stdimage=imt4096
cl> display omomi1201odd.fits 1 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200
cl> display omomi1201even.fits 2 zr- zs- z1=0 z2=200
$ more photo1215odd.cat
$ awk '$5>1700 && $5<2150 {print $5,$6,$4}' photo1215odd.cat > daburi1222odd.cat
$ awk '$5>420 && $5<900 {print $5,$6,$4}' photo1215even.cat > daburi1222even.cat
daburi1222〜.catの3列目=Auto magの明るい10番目から80番目までの70個だけ引っ張ってきてnewdab1222〜.catとする
$ sort -k 3 -n daburi1222odd.cat | head -80 | tail -70 > newdab1222odd.cat
$ sort -k 3 -n daburi1222even.cat | head -80 | tail -70 > newdab1222even.cat

cl> epar xyxy
                I R A F
         Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = xyxymatch
input  =  newdab1222even.cat The input lists
referenc=  newdab1222odd.cat The reference lists
output =    match1222.cat The output matched coordinate lists   #同じ天体だと判断された天体ペアのリスト#
toleranc=           3. The matching tolerance in pixels
(refpoin=            ) Optional list of reference points
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input list
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input list
(xmag  =         INDEF) X magnification required to match input to refer
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y magnification required to match input to refer
(xrotati=         INDEF) X rotation required to match input to reference
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y rotation required to match input to reference
(xref  =         INDEF) X origin of reference list
(yref  =         INDEF) Y origin of reference list
(xcolumn=            1) Input list column containing the x coordinate  #注意!inputとreferenceそれぞれの(x,y)座標→それぞれの1、2列目でmatchingさせる#
(ycolumn=            2) Input list column containing the y coordinate
(xrcolum=            1) Reference list column containing the x coordinat
(yrcolum=            2) Reference list column containing the y coordinat
(separat=            9.) The minimum object separation
(matchin=        triangles) The matching algorithm
(nmatch =            90) The maximum number of points for triangles algor #??#
(ratio =            10.) The maximum ratio of longest to shortest side of
(nreject=            50) The maximum number of rejection iterations
(xformat=          %13.3f) The format of the output x coordinate
(yformat=          %13.3f) The format of the output y coordinate
(interac=            no) Interactive mode ?
(verbose=           yes) Verbose mode ?
(icomman=            ) The image display cursor
(mode  =           ql)
自分はこれで上手くいった(54 reference coordinates matched)

cl> epar geomap
                   I R A F
           Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geomap
input  =    match1222.cat The input coordinate file #chip1とchip2でダブってる天体ペアリスト#
database=   database1222.cat The output database file  #出力ファイル。変換法則がコレに入る#
xmin  =           1. Minimum x reference coordinate value
xmax  =         5000. Maximum x reference coordinate value #最終的に2枚足したときのフォーマット[1:5000,1:2848]に合わせとく#
ymin  =           1. Minimum y reference coordinate value
ymax  =         2848. Maximum y reference coordinate value
(transfo=            ) The output transform records names
(results=            ) The optional results summary files
(fitgeom=        general) Fitting geometry
(functio=      polynomial) Surface type
(xxorder=           2) Order of x fit in x
(xyorder=           2) Order of x fit in y
(xxterms=          half) X fit cross terms type
(yxorder=            2) Order of y fit in x
(yyorder=            2) Order of y fit in y
(yxterms=          half) Y fit cross terms type
(maxiter=           50) Maximum number of rejection iterations
(reject =           3.) Rejection limit in sigma units
(calctyp=          real) Computation type
(verbose=          yes) Print messages about progress of task ?
(interac=          no) Fit transformation interactively ? #??#
(graphic=        stdgraph) Default graphics device
(cursor =            ) Graphics cursor
(mode  =           ql)

cl> epar geotran
                   I R A F
            Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geotran
input  =  omomi1201even.fits Input data
output =   new1222even.fits Output data
database=   database1222.cat Name of GEOMAP database file
transfor=     match1222.cat Names of coordinate transforms in database file
(geometr=       geometric) Transformation type (linear,geometric)
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input frame in pixels
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input frame in pixels
(xshift =         INDEF) X origin shift in pixels
(yshift =         INDEF) Y origin shift in pixels
(xout  =         INDEF) X origin of output frame in reference units
(yout  =         INDEF) Y origin of output frame in reference units
(xmag  =         INDEF) X scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(xrotati=         INDEF) X axis rotation in degrees
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y axis rotation in degrees
(xmin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference x value of output picture
(xmax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference x value of output picture
(ymin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference y value of output picture
(ymax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference y value of output picture
(xscale =           1.) X scale of output picture in reference units per
(yscale =           1.) Y scale of output picture in reference units per
(ncols =          5000) Number of columns in the output picture
(nlines =          2848) Number of lines in the output picture #outputファイルnew1222even.fitsのフォーマットは5000*2848にする#
(xsample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in x
(ysample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in y
(interpo=         linear) Interpolant
(boundar=        constant) Boundary extension (nearest,constant,reflect,wra
(constan=           0.) Constant boundary extension #余白だとはっきりさせるために-1000000とかでも良いのだがそうすると後々其の二でやっかいなことも起きるのでとりあえず0にしとく#
(fluxcon=          yes) Preserve image flux?
(nxblock=          512) X dimension of working block size in pixels
(nyblock=          512) Y dimension of working block size in pixels
(verbose=          yes) Print messages about the progress of the task
(mode  =          ql)

cl> artdata
ar> epar mkpatt  #mkpattern:新しいファイルをつくるためのタスク#
                   I R A F
          Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = artdata
  TASK = mkpattern
input  =   new1222odd.fits Images to create or modify #これから作りたいフォーマット5000*2848のファイル名を入れとく#
(output =            ) Output images
(pattern=        constant) Pattern #constantにしとくととりあえず全pixelのvalueがv1になる(今は後で余白が0になるように0)#
(option =        replace) Editing option
(v1   =           0.) Pattern value
(v2   =           1.) Pattern value
(size  =           1) Pattern size
                 IF NEW IMAGE
(title =            ) Image title
(pixtype=          real) Pixel datatype
(ndim  =           2) Number of dimensions
(ncols =          5000) Number of columns
(nlines =          2848) Number of lines  #変更後のフォーマット#
(n3   =            1) Number of pixels in 3rd dimension
(n4   =            1) Number of pixels in 4th dimension
(n5   =            1) Number of pixels in 5th dimension
(n6   =            1) Number of pixels in 6th dimension
(n7   =            1) Number of pixels in 7th dimension
(header =   omomi1201odd.fits) Image or header keyword file #ヘッダーなくてもいいかもしれないが一応元のファイルのヘッダー与えとく#
(mode  =           ql)
・後でexposure mapもいじるのでそのときのためにnew1222odd.fitsをコピーしとく
ar> imcopy new1222odd.fits exp1222odd.fits

ar> imcopy omomi1201odd.fits new1222odd.fits[1:2848,1:2848]

ar> !ds9 &
ar> reset stdimage=imt8192 #5000*2848が表示されるように#
ar> display new1222odd.fits 1 zr- zs- z1=-20 z2=200 →こんなの
ar> display new1222even.fits 2 zr- zs- z1=-20 z2=200 →こんなの


☆其の二 位置合わせされた2枚を重ねるための準備、確認作業
new1222odd.fitsとnew1222even.fitsは位置合わせはされてるが、zero点が違うのでこのまま足し合わせても意味ない。1枚のうち左側と右側で感度が異なる画像になってしまう。具体的な補正は其の三で行い、ここではその時に必要になるnew1222〜.fitsのexposure mapを準備しとく。

◎チップ1,2のexposure mapを具体的につくる
ar> imcopy expomomi1201odd.fits exp1222odd.fits[1:2848,1:2848]

・expomomi1201even.fitsから位置合わせ、フォーマット拡張したchip2のexposure mapをつくる
ar> epar geotran
                   I R A F
            Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = immatch
  TASK = geotran
input  =  expomomi1201even.fits Input data
output =   exp1222even.fits Output data
database=   database1222.cat Name of GEOMAP database file
transfor=     match1222.cat Names of coordinate transforms in database file
(geometr=       geometric) Transformation type (linear,geometric)
(xin  =          INDEF) X origin of input frame in pixels
(yin  =          INDEF) Y origin of input frame in pixels
(xshift =         INDEF) X origin shift in pixels
(yshift =         INDEF) Y origin shift in pixels
(xout  =         INDEF) X origin of output frame in reference units
(yout  =         INDEF) Y origin of output frame in reference units
(xmag  =         INDEF) X scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(ymag  =         INDEF) Y scale of input picture in pixels per reference
(xrotati=         INDEF) X axis rotation in degrees
(yrotati=         INDEF) Y axis rotation in degrees
(xmin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference x value of output picture
(xmax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference x value of output picture
(ymin  =         INDEF) Minimum reference y value of output picture
(ymax  =         INDEF) Maximum reference y value of output picture
(xscale =           1.) X scale of output picture in reference units per
(yscale =           1.) Y scale of output picture in reference units per
(ncols =          5000) Number of columns in the output picture
(nlines =          2848) Number of lines in the output picture #outputファイルnew1222even.fitsのフォーマットは5000*2848にする#
(xsample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in x
(ysample=           1.) Coordinate surface sampling interval in y
(interpo=         linear) Interpolant
(boundar=        constant) Boundary extension (nearest,constant,reflect,wra
(constan=           0.) Constant boundary extension #余白だとはっきりさせるために-1000000とかでも良いのだがそうすると後々其の二でやっかいなことも起きるのでとりあえず0にしとく#
(fluxcon=          yes) Preserve image flux?
(nxblock=          512) X dimension of working block size in pixels
(nyblock=          512) Y dimension of working block size in pixels
(verbose=          yes) Print messages about the progress of the task
(mode  =          ql)

・それぞれのexposure mapを見てみる
ar> display exp1222odd.fits 3 →こんなの
ar> display exp1222even.fits 4 →こんなの


注:SExtracto-Wmode・・・sex チップ1 チップ2 -c 〜.sex とすることでチップ1で天体検出を行いその検出された場所における測光はチップ2で行ってくれる、というもの


$ sex new1222odd.fits new1222even.fits -c photo1222daburi.sex

$ awk '$4<24 && $4>10{print $5,$6,$4}' 1222oddphotoeven.cat > dabcheck1222.cat
$ gnuplot
gnuplot> plot [0:5000][]"dabcheck1222.cat" u 1:2 →こんなの(epsファイル)


$ sex new1222odd.fits new1222odd.fits -c photo1222odd.sex


$ sex new1222even.fits new1222even.fits -c photo1222even.sex


→$ gnuplot
 gnuplot> plot [0:5000][] "1222oddphotoodd.cat" u 5:6 , "1222evenphotoeven.cat" u 5:6 , "dabcheck1222.cat" u 1:2 →こんなの(epsファイル)

→$ paste 1222oddphotoeven.cat 1222oddphotoodd.cat > paste1222.cat (pasteは並べて表示させるコマンド)
$ more paste1222.cat
# 1 NUMBER   Running object number
# 1 NUMBER   Running object number
# 2 MAG_ISO   Isophotal magnitude                 [mag]
# 2 MAG_ISO   Isophotal magnitude                 [mag]
# 3 MAG_APER  Fixed aperture magnitude vector          [mag]
# 3 MAG_APER  Fixed aperture magnitude vector          [mag]
# 4 MAG_AUTO  Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude      [mag]
# 4 MAG_AUTO  Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude      [mag]
# 5 X_IMAGE   Object position along x              [pixel]
# 5 X_IMAGE   Object position along x              [pixel]
# 6 Y_IMAGE   Object position along y              [pixel]
# 6 Y_IMAGE   Object position along y              [pixel]
# 7 FWHM_IMAGE FWHM assuming a gaussian core           [pixel]
# 7 FWHM_IMAGE FWHM assuming a gaussian core           [pixel]
# 8 FLAGS       Extraction flags
# 8 FLAGS       Extraction flags
1  67.3213  68.2250  65.2174  981.539  55.890  0.00  0
1  20.0790  21.2245  19.8157  981.539  55.890  10.17  0
2  93.4985  97.2976  92.7752  437.311  35.723  0.00  0
2  16.4684  18.2398  16.2857  437.311  35.723  7.65  0
3  27.5292  30.5403  27.3248  1745.851  35.928  0.00 16
3  17.0851  18.9664  16.9753  1745.851  35.928  15.41 16
4  99.0000  99.0000  99.0000  1843.630  22.587  0.00  0
4  17.7368  19.0770  17.6257  1843.630  22.587  9.22  0


 $ awk '$1>0 {print $12,$4-$12,$13,$14}' paste1222.cat > 1222magcheck1.cat
 $ awk '$1>0 && $13>1700 && $13<2200{print $12,$4-$12,$13,$14}' paste1222.cat > 1222magcheck2.cat

 $ gnuplot
 gnuplot> plot '1222magcheck1.cat' u 1:2 , '1222magcheck2.cat' u 1:2 →こんなの(epsファイル)
 gnuplot> plot [12:23] [-1:1] '1222magcheck2.cat' u 1:2 , -0.03 →こんなの(epsファイル)


☆其の三 二枚のファイルnew1222odd.fits,new1222even.fits(exp1222odd.fits,exp1222even.fits)を具体的に足し合わせて一枚の画像にする!

→補正チップ2は「new1222even+.fits=new1222even.fits * 0.79」とすれば良いだけ
ar> imarith new1222even.fits * 0.79 new1222even+.fits

$ sex new1222odd.fits new1222even+.fits -c 1222check1.sex
[ken@d21-012-250 practice]$ paste 1222oddphotoeven.cat 1222check1.cat | more

◎zero点補正したnew1222even+.fitsとnew1222odd.fitsをexposure mapで重み付けして足し合わせる

ar> imarith new1222odd.fits * exp1222odd.fits boke1.fits
ar> imarith new1222even+.fits * exp1222even.fits boke2.fits
ar> imarith boke1.fits + boke2.fits boke3.fits
ar> imarith exp1222odd.fits + exp1222even.fits exp1222.fits  #exposure mapだけはあとで使えそうなのでちゃんとした名前つけとく#
ar> imarith boke3.fits / exp1222.fits perfect1222.fits

ar> display perfect1222.fits 1 zr- zs- z1=-20 z2=200 →こんなの
ar> display exp1222.fits 2 →こんなの


これで生データ160枚からflat割り、sky引き、distortion補正、chip毎に81枚足し合わせ(位置合わせ,maskがけ,フレーム毎に1/σ^2で重みづけ)、chip1とchip2の足し合わせ(chip2のzero点補正,exp mapでの重みづけ)が済んだ画像の出来上がり→一次処理の完了!

